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D&I Training Resources for Executive Level

  • November 02, 2020 10:59 AM
    Reply # 9340405 on 9329352
    Katie Ryan Fotiadis (Administrator)

    Hi Ed!

    A few questions:

    • Has a diversity audit been considered?
    • What is the current leadership doing?  Are they taking the same training offered to the mid- and frontline managers?
      • What does the current training look like?  What is its focus/purpose?
    • What is the current culture?
    • What is the readiness of leadership?  Are they ready to do the hard work around building a shared cultural value of DEI & Belonging or is compliance the goal?
    • Will leadership be willing to commit to an ongoing learning or is it a one-and-done mentality?


    Katie Ryan Fotiadis


    Edward Demeritt wrote:

    We are looking for resources or programs to provide diversity & inclusion training for senior level (executive/director) staff for our local county government organization. We currently offer training centered on these topics for our mid- and frontline managers and employees, but nothing targeted to the senior level employees. I'm looking for insight into any programs you may have used or are currently using, including any pros/cons of programs you've used. We have an organizational directive to provide the training, and want to consider as many options as we can. Thank you!

  • October 27, 2020 2:54 PM
    Message # 9329352

    We are looking for resources or programs to provide diversity & inclusion training for senior level (executive/director) staff for our local county government organization. We currently offer training centered on these topics for our mid- and frontline managers and employees, but nothing targeted to the senior level employees. I'm looking for insight into any programs you may have used or are currently using, including any pros/cons of programs you've used. We have an organizational directive to provide the training, and want to consider as many options as we can. Thank you!

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