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ATDKY Optimizing the Virtual Learner Experience

  • February 12, 2021 9:52 AM
    Reply # 10088412 on 10078519

    Yea, Katie Ryan, sometimes taking out the nice to haves are hard for me cause, in my mind those things are valuable too. But if I work smarter to identify the intentionality of every item I present, It will definitely make a difference. 

    Another thing I really appreciated was Keith's storyboard, if you will, of his presentation and adding actual times to each line item.

    I will definitely be incorporating that.

  • February 10, 2021 9:10 PM
    Reply # 10080543 on 10078519

    My takeaways:

    1. Being intentional and strategic about camera use
    2. "The only thing we have time for in a Virtual Environment is need to know, not nice to know."
    3. Pairing and planning virtual activities with need/outcome/intent such as reflect or discuss or practice conversations or check for understanding 
  • February 10, 2021 1:24 PM
    Message # 10078519

    Keith Keating never fails to deliver! One of my biggest takeaways from Keith's session was the importance of meaningful engagement and interactivity.

    To pick up last night's conversation, take a look at 5 Tips for Keeping Virtual Learners Engaged published by Keith Keating. 

    Which tips from the article or last night's session can you begin incorporating immediately and how will you do it?

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